Robbert&Frank Frank&Robbert

For Robbert&Frank Frank&Robbert – aka Robbert Goyvaerts & Frank Merkx – art is a refuge for magic and wonder. 

Since 2012, these creative and technical equals effortlessly string together a variety of artistic techniques and forms of expression, building a body of work that can’t be pigeonholed into a single style or medium. Visual art, video work, theatre, performances,... the world of R&F F&R knows no boundaries. These multiple identities are an important part of their artistic practice: they are social workers as well as designers, VR developers, theatre makers and ceramists. In addition to their performances, the duo also creates site-specific installations and can regularly be found in museums, off-spaces and public places with exhibitions and visual interventions. 

The awards and honourable mentions they have received in recent years (Horlait Dapsens Prize, British-Italian Celeste Prize, European Start Point Prize) bear witness to their versatility. They were awarded a research grant by the Flemish government for an exchange with Air Alexanderplatz Berlin (DE) and made it to the final selection of Circuit X with their theatre work. For years, they toured internationally under the wings of CAMPO arts centre (BE). 

Most recently they have been focusing on their long-term project Table Dialogues, a series of intimate participative performances that combine immersive digital art, analogue actions and technology.

FIRE and EARTH will return for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 seasons. WOOD, the third instalment of Table Dialogues, premieres in May 2025 at Beyond The Black Box Antwerp (BE). You can also follow the work-in-progress of WOOD (cf. below - all performances preceding Beyond the Black Box Antwerp). 

More info on these productions can be found here.

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